A Binary Tree is a finite set of elements that is either empty or is partitioned into three disjoint subsets. The first subset contains a single element called root. The other two subsets are themselves binary trees and called as left and right subtrees of original tree. Each element of a binary tree is called a node of the tree.
Consider this Binary tree

Here, 10
is the root node
, node 2
is the left child
of the root node
and node 21
is the right child
of the root node
and similarly for the rest of the tree.
Visualizing a binary tree can help in understanding its structure and the relationships between its nodes. Let’s write a Python script to pretty print a binary tree in Python using ASCII characters to represent the tree structure.
Printing the Binary Tree
To print the binary tree, we need a recursive function that will traverse the tree and print each node in a structured manner. We’ll use ASCII characters to draw the tree branches:
to represent a vertical branch└──
to represent a left child┌──
to represent a right child
The idea here is to do a Depth First Traversal of the Binary tree and determine each node’s position in the tree.
Depth-First Traversal
1. First recursively traverse the right subtree,
2. Then process the current node,
3. And finally traverse the left subtree.
Processing the node
1. Use a prefix parameter to keeps track of the current indentation level and structure.
2. Use is_left parameter to track whether the current node is a left child or right child.
3. The current node’s value is printed with the appropriate prefix. If it’s a left child, the prefix includes └──; if it’s a right child, the prefix includes ┌──.
This ensures that the tree is printed from top to bottom and right to left.
Depth First Traversal is discussed in detail in this post – DFS (Depth-First Search) in Binary Trees and Graphs
Code Implementation
# Class to represent a Tree node
class TreeNode:
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
self.left = None
self.right = None
def print_tree(root, prefix="", is_left=True):
if root is not None:
print_tree(root.right, prefix + ("│ " if is_left else " "), False)
print(prefix + ("└── " if is_left else "┌── ") + str(root.value))
print_tree(root.left, prefix + (" " if is_left else "│ "), True)
# Example Usage
root = TreeNode(10)
root.left = TreeNode(2)
root.right = TreeNode(21)
root.right.left = TreeNode(15)
root.right.right = TreeNode(31)
│ ┌── 31
│ ┌── 21
│ │ └── 15
└── 10
└── 2
Time complexity: O(N), print_tree
function visits each node exactly once, performing constant-time operations for each node.
Auxiliary Space: O(N), primary space usage comes from the recursive call stack, which can grow to a depth of N in the worst case (skewed tree).
The print_tree
function is efficient in terms of both time and space complexity for most practical purposes. This method is particularly useful for debugging and understanding the structure of Binary Trees.