How to crawl Instagram data using its public API and Python?

In 2022, the official Instagram API allow you to access only your own posts and not even public comments and posts on Instagram because of the rising privacy concerns from the users and frequent accusations of data-breach at many big companies including Facebook. This has made it difficult for programmers to crawl Instagram data.

Ciel and Receipt Solution

Tomya like a positive integer p, and now she wants to get a receipt of Ciel’s restaurant whose total price is exactly p. Note that the i-th menu has the price 2i-1 (1 ≤ i ≤ 12). Find the minimum number of menus whose total price is exactly p.

String in Java

Implementing strings as a built-in objects allows Java to provide a full complement of features that makes string handling in Java very convenient. For example, Java provide various methods to modify a string object like methods to compare two strings, search for a substring, or concatenate two strings etc.